I was asked, from my earlier post (
here) on Blacks and Blue Eyes, if Asians, as well, can have blue eyes. I was not sure. Cannot say that I have personally witnessed this, but the answer is yes. Additionally, as you see in the picture, Asians can have red hair too. The reasons this can happen are the same for why it can happen with Blacks and others. Whites have no proprietary genetic ownership of certain eye colors, hair colors, skin hues or other features. Mutations, syndromes, or just simple random breeding, along with the influence of the varying environments of the globe and time make everything possible. (Click on picture to enlarge).
I have also been asked about natural blond-haired blacks. I found many examples, including this one.
James C. Collier
READ MOST RECENT POSTS AT ACTING WHITE... Technorati Tags: Acting White: Asians and Blue Eye Color, Genetics, Mutation, Blond Hair Black, Acting Black, Acting White
The Black man with blond hair looks very interesting. It looks natural, though, not dyed at all.
I have a friend who is Asian, married to a white man, none of her kids look Asian. One has straight platinum blond hair and blue eyes, one has curly brown hair and gray eyes, the third looks Hispanic.
I have always been fascinated with red heads. The Asian intrigues me most out of the three photos. The human race is truly amazing.
random breeding?
Anon 8:07, not my best choice of words. Maybe I meant inter-mating? Mutation and environment require relative eons, while cross ethnicity procreation really speeds up genetic innovation.
Am always interested with the eye color. I like the one with the gray eyes, Human kind is always a mystery to all.
I've seen these pictures before sorry to say, but they're photoshoped.
The girl at might be real as I have never seen that image before.
the girl is from mongolia and the pic is real
Yeah Asian women plan to have children with white men because they are self concious people who want to improve their race, and think by mating with whites their children will be more beautiful, pathetic
Of course it is possible. What most people do not realize is that Homo sapiens have no subspecies (well technically hats not true; there were at least two subspecies of Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens (us) and Homo sapiens neanderthals (which are no longer alive)). Any ways, what I'm getting at is the a lot of people believe that the different ethnicities are sub species, but this is not the case. Ethnicities are simply a rest of in-breading in an isolated area. Since we are all 'human' trait that are normally found in some communities can conceivably pass from community to community. For example (as well as the pictures above) I am part Caucasian and Native American; as a result I have the Amerindian "crescent" eye shape, but have bright green eyes. Homo sapiens sapiens are amazing and varied in appearance. But in conclusion, we are all the same race, human.
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