I don’t know if I call this acting Black or what, but the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha at the University of Arkansas weren’t playing when they showed up at the Sprite Step-Off Challenge 2010. BAM! $100,000. See Ya! (Next year should be interesting, and Oh Yeah, if you look close some of them Matrix ladies are sistas, so all the betta' ZTA).
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: White Sorority Girls Get To Steppin' For $100K Prize, Zeta Tau Alpha, Sprite Step-Off Challenge, University of Arkansas, Acting Black, Acting White
I must say, the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha showed up and showed out! Congratulations to them!
they are good but wonder if ppl are overly enthused b/c they are majority caucasiod females...kinda like white dudes rhymin(eminem is expection cuz he got mad talent)...just curious but regardless kudos to ZTA they did their thing
Just heard the ZTA's have an all-Black co-champion for the event, after a scoring revision? Black racism rears its ugly head.
LOL or there really was a scoring error. God I hate you racism chasers. Not everything in life has to do with race,sometimes people actually just make mistakes.
Just heard a good one, don't drink Sprite, it weakens the spine!
I was there, and they only won because they were White, and people were stunned by that. People love to overly praise White people for "performing Black" (Eminem, Fergie, etc). They are over-compensated for it even if they're just "ok" and not "great". It is a part of a cultural inferiority complex. Stepping used to be something Blacks did for themselves and kept to themselves. After it moved into the mainstream audience it became something of interest to Whites and Black people (like many minorities) are always thrilled when White people like what we like. We're willing to reward them just for showing up, and that's what happened here. They got an incredible response AS SOON AS THEY STARTED STEPPING. Why? Cuz they're a bunch of White women.
You know, soul cuts cross racial lines...I was impressed with the blanca sistas performance, I recently saw some cats down in buenos aires blow out some ornette coleman, and charlie parker cover tunes better than some brothers in the hottest jazz spots in nyc.
I wouldn't necessarily say they are "acting black." Are they doing something that has been primarily popularized by Black fraternities and sororities? Yes. My perception is they admire the stepping techniques of Black fraternities and sororities and wanted to do the same. I don't feel they've "stolen" anything from Blacks. If they wanna step, let 'em.
These ladies did amazing. It wasn't mediocre at all. I wasn't there to see the other performances so I can't say if they should have won or not. I did see quite a few synchronization issues and I found the beginning steps a bit basic, but I would have been just as impressed if they were black. I really like that they embraced stepping and didn't make it into a mockery. They were sincere about what they did and that's beautiful. (I'm black by the way).
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