Saturday, February 28, 2009

Acting White: Cops Gone Wild

Another police officer flushes his career in one long moment of violent stupidity. In this case, it was King County (Seattle) Deputy Paul Schene. It seems that a 15 year old girl kicked off her shoe toward the officer, as Schene was placing her in a holding cell for auto theft. Schene responded with a barrage of punches, a head slam to the wall, body slam to the floor, along with a few more punches to the victim's head, while she lay face down subdued by Schene and another officer. The whole thing was captured on video cameras in the hallway and the cell. No doubt Schene's defense will characterize the girl's shoe-flip as life threatening, but the video tells the story of a grown man/public servant beating the hell out an ill-mannered youth - nothing more. The girl will likely collect millions from the County, while the deputy collects a sh*t-canned life, via a felony conviction with well-deserved prison time. Gotta love those cameras.

James C. Collier


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jsb16 said...

I hope the millions she collects go to her education and betterment, and not to leeches in human bodies.

Anonymous said...

There's no excuse for that, not one.

I agree with jsb.

If she is into crime and the wrong people I hope she can turn it around with any money she gets.

But why do I think she won't?

Maybe because she was stupid enough to be in jail to start with and stupid to think she would accomplish something by kicking her shoe?

She might have deserved a butt kicking but still you can't go around doing that stuff mr. idiot policeman that had to know there were cameras in that room.

Anonymous said...

That cop is smoked and no doubt the guy with him. Even if that had been some tough looking dude it would be hard to justify the actions of the cops but since it was a girl even one that seems to have had a swagger in her walk meaning that she wasn't a stranger to being in trouble no doubt she will get about a half a million for throwing her shoe at the cop and he might be looking at jail time.

Anonymous said...

I don't envy cops. They have to put up with a lot of vile crap and keep their cool, every day, over and over and over again when some little person with an f'ed up, it's not my fault, it's your's because I got caught attitude.

Obviously he lost his cool.

I bet there are many folks that think they wouldn't do that but place them in the exact same place and time and situation and she might have gotten worse.

That doesn't make it right but it makes it REAL.

So while it's pretty easy to judge and say he shouldn't do that no way no how, it's unfortunate that the everyday man won't take the time to understand, yes even if it was very wrong.

wynsters the tigress said...

my goodness. such lack of self control in all parties involved.

Unknown said...

I don't envy cops. They have to put up with a lot of vile crap and keep their cool, every day, over and over and over again when some little person with an f'ed up, it's not my fault, it's your's because I got caught attitude.

Obviously he lost his cool.

I bet there are many folks that think they wouldn't do that but place them in the exact same place and time and situation and she might have gotten worse.

That doesn't make it right but it makes it REAL.

So while it's pretty easy to judge and say he shouldn't do that no way no how, it's unfortunate that the everyday man won't take the time to understand, yes even if it was very wrong.

Teachers don't get the opportunity to beat the hell out of kids who punch, bite, and kick them. They get their lives threatened. They put up with a lot of stuff, but it doesn't mean we lose our cool either. It is part of the job, I understand that many an 8th grader thinks they know everything and doesn't have a pot to piss in, but I treat them, like I treat the ones who are gracious, courteous, and show the utmost respect. Now they might have to deal with the consequences of their actions, but I don't kiss one kids butt and suck my teeth at another kid, it isn't professional.