Black racism is rarely discussed in the open, except to say it does not exist or that it is the dominion of Uncle Tom imitators. I submit that this is central to what holds back Black progress. Some people call it self-hate, but Black racism is the invisible ball and chain around the ankle. Granted, acquiescence to Whites, or anyone, because of their perceived race-based superiority is racism, not to be lessened. But, detrimental attitudes and behavior to one’s own ethnicity, because of race/ethnicity, is racism of equal depth. Whether Blacks discourage advancing behavior due to a belief that they are incapable, or that the group is best served, culturally, by preferring something less/different, the results are the same – loss of freedom and advancement.
Earlier, when Whites prohibited Blacks from advancing activities considered as ‘acting white’ (i.e. education), via Jim Crow laws, blacks had no trouble calling this behavior as racist. But when today’s Black students prohibit their fellow students from pursuing academics, via ‘acting white’ bullying, the racism tag is nowhere in sight. In the S. Carolina case (here), the school staff and district administration were culpable in denying a safe learning environment to the Black students in want of academic excellence. Similar events are brewing in Philly, with Asian students catching hell from Black students (here).
Interestingly, Black racism was not always so elusive, as displayed in Graham's "Our Kind Of People" (pictured). When Black social organizations like The Links and sororities excluded members, in the past and in part, because they were too dark, Blacks were able to ultimately see the intra-group racism at work. But when the former exclusion becomes cultural expulsion, via ostracizing, threats, and assault, it somehow ceases to be racism. Couple this thinking with the overall Black education results, including drop-out rates, and reduce levels of achievement, and we have a cause-effect scenario describing a permanent underclass.
Just as there are homophobic gays and anti-Semitic Jews, there are racist Blacks. They are not Uncle Tom’s, but rather a significant, un-policed group who give racist providence to certain behaviors of non-blacks, to the point of ostracizing their own who have the audacity to pursue those behaviors. This insidious racism is hiding. It is protected by school administrators, like those in S. Carolina, and by those who blindly attack even the thought that Blacks should question themselves.
It is tragically ironic that those same Black girls, in places like S.Carolina, who press their hair to look more attractive, would reject and assault their black schoolmate, as acting White, because of the books in her hands and a desire to learn.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: A Theory of Black Racism, Uncle Tom, Title VI, Kobrovksy, Hate, Acting White
Mr. Collier,
You claim that:
“Black racism is rarely discussed in the open, except to say it does not exist or that it is the dominion of Uncle Tom imitators.”
Where is your evidence for such a statement? In a nation that was built and continues to thrive on White supremacy, so called black racism an imagery grievance that White America loves to claim. From the New Haven fighter case to Glenn Beck’s “Obama doesn’t like White people” Whit e America feels their monopoly of this nation (and the world order) is under siege from uppity black people, illegal Hispanic immigrants, and Muslim terrorists. White Americans control the dissemination information in this country (the production, editing, and reporting of news and our educational system) so to say “Black racism is rarely discussed in the open” shows how out of touch you are in regards to your life as a Black person in this society.
Mr. Collier,
You claim that:
“I submit that this is central to what holds back Black progress.”
Well I submit that you are totally WRONG, and such a statement indicates the level of self hatred and indoctrination that you have received from White institutions of education that you have attended. Empirical evidence shows that on ANY social or economic indicator the biggest obstacle to black progress is institutional racism aka WHITE SUPERMACY. If your foolish statement holds so true then why is it that college educated blacks unemployment rates are higher than whites and compensation is still less when compared to Whites even when controlled for education and credentials? Why are Blacks are giving mortgages and loans with higher rates even when controlled for income and credit histories? Must I go on Mr. Collier? Don’t such actions hold back Black progress?
Disparities in unemployment
Disparities in pay
Disparities in Mortgage Lending
Mr. Collier,
You claim that:
Earlier, when Whites prohibited Blacks from advancing activities considered as ‘acting white’ (i.e. education), via Jim Crow laws, blacks had no trouble calling this behavior as racist. But when today’s Black students prohibit their fellow students from pursuing academics, via ‘acting white’ bullying, the racism tag is nowhere in sight. In the S. Carolina case (here), the school staff and district administration were culpable in denying a safe learning environment to the Black students in want of academic excellence. Similar events are brewing in Philly, with Asian students catching hell from Black students (here).
Mr. Collier. It seems to me that you fail to consider two things with the examples you have provided: (1) These cases of “acting white” bullying maybe simply cases of “anti intellectual” bullying. In your twisted mind is it only black kids who are capable of harassing other students who are “smart” or “want to learn”. Last time I check there are kids of all races who “bully” the smart kids or the kids who want to learn. You can ask Bill Gates how popular he was in elementary school or how much he got bullied. This anti-intellectualism has always been a stain on American society that has and CONTINUES to promote regressive train of thought; that is why a good proportion of Americans STILL believe Saddam Hussien had something to do with 9/11, can not find Afghanistan on a map, think Africa is a county and not a continent, and my favorite, the “terrorist” attacked us “because they hate our freedom.” (2) The second thing that you have failed to consider is that such cases of “acting white” bullying may have other contributing factors. The case in Philly is a good example of this. Racial tension and real competition for scarce educational resources could play a role in the outcome that we are witnessing. Furthermore, the public educational system in this country is NOT and NEVER WAS set up to serve the interest of people of color (disparities in funding and resources has been an issue since day one). As a student and a substitute teacher I found the information that was being taught to Black and Latino students was more propaganda than anything else. These kids know that our society doesn’t give a dam about them and that the education they are getting is inferior. Furthermore, many of them aren’t too motivated to be taught to look at racist White men who killed off Native Americans and enslaved people of African descent as “great Americans” and “men of liberty”. Things would be much different if these schools had the same access to resources as White suburban schools, and if the information that these students were taught had any relevance to their lives.
I think when people say that black racism does not exist they are talking in terms of an institution in which case, it does not exist. But of course individual blacks and groups of blacks can be racist. The examples that you speak of I would not necessary call racist but are in fact the residual effects of racism.
It floors me too how black women press and perm their hair and see no connection between that and their wanting to identify with whites but that's another topic. Good post.
A question to the blacks that think trying to get an education, a job, and working hard at that job to get ahead is "acting white".
You are in agreement with the old white men in the past that would have said those blacks were being
"uppity nigras".
Think about it and how you really perceive yourselves and your race and ask yourself if you really want to be just like those old white racists of the past.
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