Orange County Tea-bagger Marilyn Davenport has some explaining about why she thought it was acceptable to send an email containing this picture. And does the fact that she has blacks that she calls friends make any difference? Furthermore, she said she only sent it to people who wouldn't be offended. Problem is that this list should have included people who also like her. Clearly, at least one of her 'friends' wants to see her bake - and bake she shall.
See what Davenport's alleged black friends have to offer in her defense (
James C. Collier
READ MOST RECENT POSTS AT ACTING WHITE... Technorati Tags: Orange County Racism: Marilyn Davenport Style, Obama, Tea Party, Racism, Acting Black, Acting White
This lady is a prime example of why women past menopause are disrespected, and not taken seriously. Did she send the e-mail to either of her alleged "black friends"? Doubtful. If she has time to come up with ignorant defiling tasks like this, she can not be doing the job she was elected to do. She needs to be booted. Then she can stay home and send all the ignorant e-mails she wants to.
Shameful, no excuses! This is the very reason why education is key to our nation's future. Keep letting the schools fail and we will produce more people like this! Actually, she isn't alone, there are many more in our government with this kind of mentality. The constant stand-offs are making our economy weaker, lack of respect by other nations and our people the true losers!
She must be in a world of hurt to be so ignrant to come up with this so called "Internet joke". This is such a disgusing act of racism. This so called (I cannot bring myself to calling her a "lady")is a embarassment and a liability not only to her politcal party but to anyone who has any association with her. She needs to follow her Republican Party of Orange County Chairman Scott Baugh and resign. She needs to do the right thing and step down from the job she was elected to. Do it now before she comes up with another "Internet joke"!
As a logical person, I needed more information about this situation before I could deem whether I thought this was racist or just a joke, for what is this person, who I had never heard of before, simply just thought, regardless of his skin color, that Obama's personality was like a monkey and so made this image to portray that belief - because that is possible and hence not racist. So, like a logical person I did some more research and it is clear to me that this Marilyn Davenport did indeed have racist intentions behind this act. It is disgusting to me that such people are acting officials - Marilyn is
'an elected member of the Orange County Republican central committee'. Though such is no surprise, for likeminded people will have elected her. FYI, this image was taglined with
"Now you know why -- No birth certificate."
I also read:
"in 2009 the former Republican mayor of Los Alamitos, Dean Grose, e-mailed a photo showing a watermelon patch in front of the White House last year, Davenport defended him. She also backed former Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols for making an offensive remark about Mexicans."
So yeah, she's a racist. But the unfortunate thing is I am sure she is not the only official who is.
Where is the outrage from the friends she sent this? Let's don't simply stop with this woman. This runs deep into the trenches. I have expressed my outrage to colleagues, and so called friends regarding some of the hateful and racist emails. The election of an African American president has exposed the true....
I just cannot believe in this day and age that this woman who is the head of a political party would put something out like this. WTF? The racism in this country never ceases to amaze me... still.
@Deborah - I'm sure you mean well but --- Please!!! Do you not see that your comment is as reprehensible as Ms Davenport's?!?!?! No post-menopausal woman I know (and I'm 55) would be anything less than disgusted with the ignorant fool who thinks this picture is "amusing". I agree that Ms. Davenport has no business in public office but -- look in the mirror and wake up to your own ignorance. All post-menopausal women are no more alike than all African-Americans
People like Marilyn and the other verbal gaffers in Orange County drift further from reality daily. In Costa Mesa, there's a revolt against four city councilmen. The councilmen got "a taste of Wisconsin" and decided to cut half the city workforce. One worker jumped to his death the day that he received his notice. What did the Councilmen do? Party at one of their buddy's Irish bars on St. Patrick's Day!
Demography and stupidity like this is going to come crashing down hard on the local GOP here, and they are going to flip the freak out.
I think their are many racists of all kinds in the country, and let it be. People call each other as.holes,gay, lazy,crackheads, so what if they use n word ,or snowball.
Let people have free speech.
It is inconceivable that she didn'r realize the offensive nature of this photo or if her moral judgement is that far off then she is way out of touch & either way needs to resign, for either being to stupid or racist, either/or
Remember when the GOP stood for balanced budgets, individual freedom and isolationism.
The Republican Party has run up these deficits, we want the federal government to be in our bedrooms and between our women and their doctors, we started two wars instead of ending them like the Korean War and were supposed to stop the Vietnam War the Democrats started. We have lost our way!
So why waste our time with these fools who use their racist rhetoric, like this Marilyn Davenport and Donald Trump with his birther unproven myth, why do we allow our Fox news people to keep talking down our country. Don’t they know we can win the next election with optimism and hope instead of the current rhetoric, that the sky is falling, if we are not careful we will end up like chicken little where no one will listen to us.
I see racism on the face of this, but isn't it true that there is a bit of precedent for portraying presidents as apes?
In my mind's eye, I see images of Lincoln and Bush 43, and I'd not be surprised to hear that others
Is doing the same thing to Obama different, because of his race? Probably, but I don't expect that everyone who fails to understand that is a racist. Some might be, but some might not. Partisanship in itself is a powerful poison, probably standing in for racism in the minds of many on all sides.
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